Deborah Rubin

Deborah Rubin


  • Hatha Yoga workshops in the early ’70s in the UK and in the early ’80s in Israel
    Iyengar Yoga workshops in SA in the early to mid-’90s
    Restorative Yoga workshops with Judith Hanson Lasater in NZ
    Many workshops and retreats with Donna Farhi in NZ
  • Influenced by Donna Farhi in how she practices and teaches

“For me, yoga and meditation are bringing body, mind and spirit into every moment and adding strength and flexibility to my overall being is my focus. I hope I share this love with my students.” – Deborah

Originally from South Africa, Deborah arrived in New Zealand with her family in 1998. Her interest in yoga and all things holistic started in the 1970s. She is grateful to her teachers and students who inspire her and after practising in various styles has been, since the early 2000s, influenced by Donna Farhi in how she practices and teaches.

Deborah continues to read, investigate and study further as well as attending yoga, meditation and spirituality workshops. She teaches our Over 50s, general and beginner classes. She also has Level 2 certification in Macrobiotics.

Teachers at the Albany Yoga Room maintain a strong emphasis on the careful alignment of the body.
