
Level 2 guide – Evolution towards our best self

Alert Level 2 guide Finally with our government announcement New Zealand is in Alert Level 2. We will be opening our Albany Yoga Room for students. Our guidelines are important please note: Booking is essential and we will be limited to a maximum of 11 students in a class. If you are booked and you [...]

Level 2 guide – Evolution towards our best self2021-03-06T03:42:47+12:00

Yoga & Your Strong Fluid Spine. Scoliosis, Backcare, Embodied Spinal Anatomy.

Your spine is a long curving river. Within the experience of asymmetry, and indeed, in all spinal terrains, it is important to sense the course of the river, the riverbanks, the surrounding country. To encounter the inflow of the tributaries of the limbs, and observe their impact on the course of the river-spine. Unique Workshops, [...]

Yoga & Your Strong Fluid Spine. Scoliosis, Backcare, Embodied Spinal Anatomy.2019-01-22T18:10:57+12:00

Shakti dance

Shakti Dance The yoga of Dance   Shakti Dance® is the ‘yoga of dance’ – A harmonious blend of Flowing Yoga Stretches, Energising Dance Exercises, Free Dance Meditation, Relaxation, and Synchronised Mantra with Movement. Connect to a space of Inner Peace; Reduce Stress; Liberate your Body and Mind in Free Expression of the [...]

Shakti dance2021-03-05T21:03:54+12:00

What did the kids at Manuka School think of yoga classes!

We absolutely loved meeting the seven and a half-year-olds at Manuka school this term. The classes were fun and creatively mixed up to help children get in touch with themselves. We had games and yoga poses, breath work and relaxation. All the enthusiasm was contagious and we look forward to offering a pilot class during their [...]

What did the kids at Manuka School think of yoga classes!2019-01-22T17:54:44+12:00

Celebrating United Nations World Yoga Day 21st June 2015

Sunday 21st June Celebrating United Nations World Yoga Day To help make International Day of Yoga around the world a great success, we invite you to a FREE yoga class on 21st June, 9.30- 11am. Regular yogis know that Yoga is good for everyone. However most people don't realise how good it is for continued health. In fact the first [...]

Celebrating United Nations World Yoga Day 21st June 20152015-06-10T10:07:39+12:00

TODAY I am younger then I will ever be

Today, I am this young 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 & 80 On any of theses upcoming events we might worry that we are getting old. However have you ever thought, TODAY I am younger then I will ever be. There might have been a time when getting older was time to take it easy, when life [...]

TODAY I am younger then I will ever be2019-05-08T10:46:29+12:00
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