The eight branches of the Yoga Sutra offer a guide to achieving fulfilment and well-being at all levels. The first two limbs Yamas and Niyamas these principals support us in finding more peace.

Yamas one Non harming (Ahimsa): Avoid causing harm to others or yourself.

Yama two: Truthfulness (Satya): Practice honesty in actions, words, and thoughts.

Yama three: Non-Stealing (Asteya): Do not take what is not yours and manage your desire for others’ belongings.

Yama four: Moderating the Senses (Brahmacharya): Manage your energy and resources with moderation.

Yama five: Non-Possessiveness (Aparigraha) : Let go of clinging to people, experiences, or possessions.

Niyamas one: Saucha (cleanliness) : Care for your body, environment, and mind.

Niyamas two: Santosha (contentment): Cultivate contentment and gratitude in the present moment.

Niyamas three: Tapas (discipline) : Emphasize discipline in practice and daily choices.

Niyamas four: Svadhyaya (self study) : Consider self-reflection by observing your thoughts, actions and emotions to better understand your inner nature and behavioral patterns.

Niyamas five: Isvara Pranidhana (surrendering to a higher power and devotion to the Universe): Connect with a force greater than yourself, fostering confidence in a divine presence.