2019 a year of comings and goings.
It all started years ago but Bali was the catalyst for the renewal of a loved yoga practice, Shakti dance. During a long meditation using movement and sound. I found over a few weeks I was able to build up my reserves each day. The repetition within the group consciousness in Bali and the group dynamics turned out to be keys to connecting deeply to an inner resource of strength.
I reached a day when nothing would shift the inner stillness. I was taking part and watching students repeat a method for the mind which we continued to do around the poolside for some considerable time. In one moment I could see the restlessness of others as a mirror and in the next, it was as though I could keep going and going. This experience has allowed me to tap into this resource more often now. Thank goodness, as my future plans of sharing that knowledge were going to be postponed. Within a few weeks of arriving in NZ, I was back on a plane to help my family prepare for a funeral.
I reached a day when nothing would shift the inner stillness. I was taking part and watching students repeat a method for the mind which we continued to do around the poolside for some considerable time. In one moment I could see the restlessness of others as a mirror and in the next, it was as though I could keep going and going. This experience has allowed me to tap into this resource more often now. Thank goodness, as my future plans of sharing that knowledge were going to be postponed. Within a few weeks of arriving in NZ, I was back on a plane to help my family prepare for a funeral.
I reached a day when nothing would shift the inner stillness. I was taking part and watching students repeat a method for the mind which we continued to do around the poolside for some considerable time. In one moment I could see the restlessness of others as a mirror and in the next, it was as though I could keep going and going. This experience has allowed me to tap into this resource more often now. Thank goodness, as my future plans of sharing that knowledge were going to be postponed. Within a few weeks of arriving in NZ, I was back on a plane to help my family prepare for a funeral.
Entering into the UK was easier then I thought. Despite expected dramas of families trying to make sense of the uncertain death, and the pain of letting go of childhood memories and a family home. I found nature to be my soothe, I took the time to allow myself to explore Shakti dance and yoga outside.
I am happy to say that the great high has helped me balance such a low. It keeps me coming back to meditation and movement in many forms for the joy of it and the contentment it creates.
Wishing you great balance in all you do.
love light and laughter Arvinderfee