A parent’s role is a great one.

Here are Whitney Houston’s 5 tips for parenting taken from her song, “The Greatest Love of All”:

  • I believe the children are our future
  • Teach them well and let them lead the way
  • Show them all the beauty they possess
  • Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
  • Let the children’s laughter remind us how we used to be


The rituals we have with our family might be full of moments where we make time to say “I love you”. Yet, it is so easy for us to disconnect from one another, or simply lose touch with our special parent-child bond.
Wonderful experiences can be had when we make time for children or parents to be our sole focus of attention. Here are some ideas for bonding moments you can share.
Parents can continue to be inspired by their first time experiences, this doesn’t have to end when they are young:
  1. Reading and language
  2. Dress up, singing, or dance together
  3. Drawing, writing or scrapbooking
  4. Flowers; growing and picking them
  5. Yoga and exercises
  6. Creating tea parties
Pre-teenagers have many rites of passage that call for special times together:
  1. Photos and co-creating family gatherings
  2. Getting out in the fresh air
  3. Cooking
  4. Laughter with games
  5. Take lessons together
  6. Go to performances together
Teen years and onwards – owning our talents, and keeping our ideas open when it comes to continued learning:
  1. Try spa days
  2. Volunteer together or set yourself a new challenge
  3. Get out in nature, help out with animals
  4. Make traditions, such as new places to explore
  5. Learn a new form of dance or sport
  6. Go to a craft day and create or build something together you will cherish in future times
  7. Set aside a regular day together, without siblings or partners, to enjoy one another’s company
  8. Look at your family history, or learn about family stories
  9. Swap Roles
And of course, do yoga!
This mother’s day, what will you do for your mum?

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