Albany Yoga Room our plan to reopen – Sharing something for all.

Our recent weekend was a wonderful reminder that we are heading into the Summer season and we want to prepare you as soon as possible with some great returns of our old favourite classes and some great ways to bring us back together.

Thank you for your feedback via our survey that helped up to set up our timetable. We’re so excited that we can open soon and want to offer you plenty of opportunities to improve your physical, mental and energetic wellbeing.

Deborah, Arvinderfee, Hayley, Shelly, Yumi, Wessel and Giulia are looking forward to seeing you. Jayne has decided to stay on the Mount for a while longer. She tells me to say hi and let you know she is doing well.

As you can imagine, we’ve put a lot of thought into how we can operate our yoga studio moving forward under the traffic light system. The new government rules have put us in quite a predicament, and we have been left with little choice than to adopt a vaccination mandate for our yoga room.

We are very aware that this will upset and frustrate some of our members, and please know that we didn’t make this decision lightly. But the only alternative was keeping the studio closed indefinitely until we move to the green setting, which could take many weeks and months.

This is particularly heartbreaking for us because our core values are centred around commitment and care. We are committed to our students’ ongoing learning and development, and we care about each individual student and respect that everyone’s journey is different.

Please scroll down to read our traffic light procedures.

To stay true to our core values and continue to serve all of our members – regardless of vaccination status – we will continue to offer an online class and plan to bring you some outdoor classes held at the beach before and after Christmas.

With this in mind, I would love to introduce some courses. I know how much your regular connections mean to you and our community over the last 21 years and we need that support too. What a course would offer is the opportunity for you to attend with the same people. A place to grow with those friends and new friends to come. There will be some booked drop-in classes too and more info will follow this mailer on how we will implement all this.

I know you will all have a lot of catching up to do, and we look forward to providing a space for you to share chats and laughter with familiar faces and like-minded folks. However, to keep the atmosphere calm and positive, we do ask that you please refrain from discussing heated topics like politics, Covid, religion, etc. whilst at the yoga room. I know many of us have these topics on our minds at the moment, but it’s also great to take a break and leave your worries at the door for a while.

On another note, our yoga room has had some stunning refits to the Kitchen and bathroom. A fresh start for those who want to commit to us for longer. Such a good time to look at our membership packages and support us with gift ideas for your family from our range of yoga and health products.

How will this work?

Please book your class in advance whenever you, can so we can keep our 1 metre distance.

On entry wear a mask and add our premises to your tracing APP

Our usual passes will be required to take the class.

For courses, we will automatically take three weeks off your pass to create a small bubble offering. What a great opportunity to join a limited number of students and enjoy the same company until Christmas 2021.

A Covid Pass will be needed to show you are fully vaccinated. We will be scanning those on your arrival.
From The Ministry of Health ‘Covid Pass’ and “My Vaccine Pass’  Both are generated from the same place – (more details

If you have your props wonderful please bring them along. However, we will be steam cleaning and working to keep our room cleansed between classes.

So looking forward to seeing you in person on the beach, or in our yoga room and Thursday night online.