In January 2015 I found my way back to teacher training with Donna Farhi. I had attended her workshops and knew from other teachers that she shares something special. Something very tangibly, something I found the first time I went to a Donna Farhi inspired teacher.


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Donna 2015

I hadn’t expected to find the freedom of movement that the course brought. Her teacher training offers insightful awareness into patterns of development, full of anatomical knowledge and yet deeply connected. The team she places around her offers great care, bundles of fun, undivided attention and most importantly laughter.

A continued practice of discovery and learning comes from each day I now place my body, mind and spirit onto a mat.
“Thank you Donna for your insights, for making your explorations into yoga, for my yoga practice and for your input into my journey.”

Thank you to the team Leila Stuart, Lisa Petersen, Cheri Dostal Ryba, Karla Brodie, Nicole Schouwey, Neil Ghoshal, Gaby Porter, Kevin Saunders, Victoria Pomeroy and Adelaide Cheong.


I feel so blessed to have had a Psoas workshop with Leila so shortly after three weeks with Donna Farhi. Something solidified in the processing of the weekend that will enable me to take my new practice further and enable me to teach it to others.
“Thank you Leila for your conviction and complete ideas on how we interpret our yoga practice.”

In April Lisa Petersen gave a wonderful workshop on the Skeletal body in yoga. Such clarity of voice and so wonderful to connect again with this Somatic movement and body mind centering teacher.
” Thank you Lisa for your precision and integrity.”

My word for this moment is gracious