
Creating more time

Learning to slow time  We all know what it feels like to run out of time. To have a great set of tasks and the same amount of hours to do them in. We know our priorities but can be sidetracked or misdirected. The thing is every day we have tasks [...]

Creating more time2021-10-18T07:07:08+12:00

3 Benefits of Using Yoga Props and Tools to Master Your Practice

When we think about yoga, it’s easy to assume that certain holds and poses are reserved for those of us with a good dose of flexibility, strength, and balance. But the truth is, that yoga is for everyone, and perceived limitations shouldn’t get in the way of a healthy, sustainable practice.  [...]

3 Benefits of Using Yoga Props and Tools to Master Your Practice2021-09-20T07:47:12+12:00

Eustress during times of lockdown

Do you identify with stress and what you do at that time?  Have you ever thought about stress as a condition and not an illness? The word stress comes from the word distress and is created by external sources being heightened by our internal responses. It is those increasingly negative effects [...]

Eustress during times of lockdown2021-09-14T18:09:33+12:00

Great ingredients for keeping your body well

With this week’s glorious weather, I have been pottering about in my garden. It’s so exciting to see the new leaf buds and spring flowers popping out. I planted out some ginger for this season and trimmed back the unruly peppermint. With the offcuts I made a lovely refreshing tea Peppermint and ginger are well renowned to assist with the common side effects of pregnancy like nausea, [...]

Great ingredients for keeping your body well2021-09-13T16:19:49+12:00

Walking Meditation

How can we bring our meditation practice during lockdown? Meditation doesn't have to be only in the form of sitting or lying down. Have you ever heard of "walking meditation"? You can get the same effects, maybe even better as you are active in the fresh air, less likely to become sleepy. [...]

Walking Meditation2023-08-16T08:36:34+12:00

Women’s Health: How our Hormones Affect our Wellbeing and How we can Improve Hormonal Health

As a woman, taking care of your hormonal health is vital for your wellbeing and quality of life. Although hormone fluctuations occur naturally throughout our lives – for example in puberty, pregnancy, menopause, and perimenopause – it’s important to restore the balance of our natural hormones to support our mental and physical health. One [...]

Women’s Health: How our Hormones Affect our Wellbeing and How we can Improve Hormonal Health2021-05-10T17:13:41+12:00

Mantra Satigur Kar Deenai

Our homes are powerful, sacred spaces. They are extensions of our heart. Within our homes, we hold everything we love.  We hold our families and our animals. The walls of our homes protect ourselves and our children from the elements. A home offers us a private space to express who we are, both in how [...]

Mantra Satigur Kar Deenai2021-03-05T21:04:11+12:00

Around the world and back…..

2019 a year of comings and goings. It all started years ago but Bali was the catalyst for the renewal of a loved yoga practice, Shakti dance. During a long meditation using movement and sound. I found over a few weeks I was able to build up my reserves each day. The repetition [...]

Around the world and back…..2020-07-11T16:15:22+12:00
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