25 days to shape, your most blissful Christmas

With just over three weeks until we break up for the holidays its time to shape your most blissful Christmas. Remember it doesn’t matter where you go on holiday your mind always goes with you. Stay calm and don’t let the pressure rise too high. Plan ahead. Rather than strive for perfection, make things as good as you can get it. Take a deep breath, learn how (pranayama) breathing changes your mood. Keep asking yourself ‘What can I be grateful for?’ rather than what is wrong or not perfect.

Our feedback survey has shown you are looking to learn mediation and want help with your home practices. We are offering an absolute beginners meditation exploration over three weeks beginning this Sunday Dec 1st. We are also going to show you some simple home practices on Friday 20th at 9.30am & Sunday 22nd December at 10am. Please note we will be open Boxing day for a 10am class and we will send on our holiday time table that runs through January.


bliss this holiday out with Meditation

1st 8th & 15th December

Meditation is used as a way of relaxing and also useful to transcend your physical experience. It can be therapeutic, enjoyable and enlightening. Learn different types of mediation practice over our three week course, from silent through to deep listening, learn how to use the breath, try mantra, music and guided meditations.

11.30 to 12.45pm

$45 3wk or $17 to drop in


Happy Christmas

Sunday 22nd Dec

A free class, it’s our way of celebrating with you!  Join Arvinderfee at the later time of 10am. Suitable for beginners who have had some experience, this class explores all your favourites, with the emphasis being to creating a home practice. Booking is essential.


please bring a plate to share after

very limited places booking online is essential